Sunday, March 10, 2013

Greetings Friends!  What's New at ACF?
Parked Art Update: Site #4 Revealed ~ Falkirk Cultural Center  

New opportunities continue to evolve for art in public places in Marin. The latest approved site is on the Falkirk Cultural Center's grounds, also the venue for ACF's June craft exhibition. Site 4 consists of an octagonal cement platform, beside a walkway through a stand of conifer trees.  
Parked Art Site 4,  Falkirk
Parked Art Site 4
The platform is approximately 8 inches high and 8 feet in diameter. 
To propose an artwork, send an image, description and one paragraph statement about you and your work along with your contact information to

ACF's Parked Art / Art in Public Places Summary:
Our pursuit of placing contemporary art in accessible, public places continues. The review committee is preparing an ongoing image bank of art, artists, and spaces.  Meetings are taking place with managers of parks, gardens, buildings and other spaces available for public viewing. Do you have an idea for a Marin site? 
To propose a site, email a place description to Claudia 

Dates and more Dates!

You Are Invited!  

Please join us, Monday March 18 from 4:30-6:30
At  the home of Christin Anderson, 156 Central Avenue, Woodacre  
This Community Meeting/ Meet 'n' Greet will include a general discussion about all things ACF.  Become acquainted with the current board, including Claudia Chapline, ACF Board President.  Introductions will be made, wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served.  
 RSVP 415/488-4702                   

Board News Going and Coming 
We are grateful for, and salute the years of service by Kristin Otis and Joe Fox who will be moving from the ACF Board of Directors to the Advisory Board. Art at the Cheese Factory has been in a state of transition during the past two years. We have changed  from being a place based organization to being a Marin based organization to support contemporary art in Marin. Now that we have a new direction, we are on the lookout for new faces and new energy to fill places available on our working board. This meeting of arts people in Marin on March 18th, will be an opportunity for us to focus on how we can look towards the future, and work with other Marin arts organizations presenting contemporary art in Marin.

Spring Sculpture Tour 

Art/Sky Sculpture Tour at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, May 4, 2:30pm
You are invited to join us in the redwood-forested Santa Cruz Mountains in Woodside, for our spring fundraiser. Director, Margot Knight, has offered to lead a private two-mile, two and a half hour tour to view approximately 15 sculptures.

Djerassi Ranch
"Dialog", 2004. by Roland Mayer. photo by Todd Holloway

The tour is strenuous as the trails consist of both steep uphill and downhill hiking, totaling approximately 300 feet in elevation.  Attendees are advised to bring water and wear layered clothing and head covering. Registered, prepaid hikers will meet at the main gate at 2:30 P.M. The tour will end at 6 P.M. leaving plenty of time for driving home before dark. 
The suggested donation for this fundraiser is $40
Check to:  Etta Deikman, 15 Muir Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941, or PAYPAL

Limited to the first 25 applicants. Please RSVP by  Emailing Ruby   "Ruby Newman"

Marin Civic Center Exhibition   
Marin Civic Center
Marin Civic Center
Art at the Cheese Factory has been invited to curate an exhibition of three-dimensional work (floor, pedestal and wall-hung ) for the downstairs gallery of the Marin Civic Center. The display space includes two walls, approximately 8 feet x 40 feet. As this is a passageway, floor work should not extend more than 3 feet from the wall.  We will show approximately 30 pieces for three months beginning  fall 2013 or winter 2014. People who have applied for Parked Art will be considered as well as new applicants. To apply for any of the outdoor sites or this exhibition, please send an image or proposal with description (HxWxD, media, concept) and contact information to:
Claudia Chapline, 415-868-2308

athleen Hanna, Curator
Kathleen Hanna
Save the Date!  

Reception for the Innovative Craft Exhibition, Kathleen Hanna, Curator.  
June 14, 5:30-7:30  
Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael.